Nice touch with the CCP flags in the virus. I love this artwork. Thank you for being the only artwork that actually makes fun of that fact and also nice waifu drawing.
Nice touch with the CCP flags in the virus. I love this artwork. Thank you for being the only artwork that actually makes fun of that fact and also nice waifu drawing.
Ahhh yes, everyone's favourite step on me mommy.
Yessss, Iโm OBSESSED
It's the rich billionare's fault for not understanding a free market. Blame Robinhood and the other stock app. These fucking rich people want to stay in a power and not realizing how stupid they are.
=P One major piece of advice if want to increase that contrast without ruining the palette. Use a white painted layer that has the layer setting color. It's how I figure out 80% of my values.
Aye thanks for the advice! Yea usually I do have a extra lighting layer to figure out the values as well but I guess I just don't push as much as I should to finalize things more.
I love what happened to stocks on Wall Street, THEY GET WHAT THEY FUCKING DESERVED! After smearing gamers years ago, THEY GOT PLAYED!
Peak anime right here, I fought it was Cory in the house that was the good anime stuff, but instead this is the Imaginary House that is an anime.
Nice Waifu you drawn right there. :3 I am surprised she hasn't stitched herslef into a corset for how perverted she is. I love the simple coloring.
Only a foot tall, so maybe a custom one, but I like suggestions. Thx for appreciating an outdated ref sheet.
Neat use of perspective, but caution, try to avoid over detailing and spots of being no detail, because... Though for someone on the very PG side. The least detailed spot is the butt, and boobs. I am going to assume unintentional due to PM EXCLUSIVE stuff from a few months back. Try working on faces more and more... As it feels like it's stuck in-between two art styles. Between tonal bodies and begineer anime look, but the shading. The perspective maybe wonky, and may have to take into a count of proportions. Still nice.
There maybe a slightly perverse side to this art, but I am not blaming you... It's the only spots that aren't overly detailed, think of detail as a hiearchy, to keep it balanced, some areas can have mass detail, some areas lack there of, and some just enough detail to not over crowd, but not overly simple.
woo,good to see some more critiques from you
in this armor's case,the butt and boobs are more sexualized then detailed for some story reasons (gonna take me a lonnggg while 'till i get to her story though),could be my horny side showing but ahwell,no one's a saint in that regard
terms of faces,those anime faces have a special place in my heart,i love having them even if it dosn't look professional, but i can see where you're coming from if it doesn't blend well with my body structures.
im not keen enough with detail hierarchy though (honestly i havn't heard much about it),i might have to see how it works a bit more.
Oh no, not little Susie.
Well this is one part... Cursed, one part.... Rather blessed. This is rat approved material.
I am the DevilRat. Inspiration lost.
I forgor ๐
Shadow THe hedgehog
Joined on 11/29/17