I will be going expanding my horizons to other websites for artwork, you guys kind of new I was on multiple. DeviantArt decided to not focus at all on it, but I am not leaving this platform but the opposite. If you follow via newgrounds. You will have work 100% uncensored on this platform and will get to have most of my M-rated and A rated catalog. Stuff like this may STILL be allowed. https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/devilrat/feelings-aren-t-you-the-same-thing or
https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/devilrat/untilted-7 WILL NEVER GET A RELEASE ON PIXIV... I am deciding to leave feelings due to that.
https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/36048233 For my Pixiv, but remember. I AM NOT HERE FOR PERMANCE, but slight expansion. It won't have a vast catalog. So it's primarly newgrounds getting the light, think of it as having last seconds.