Thinking of going to Linux Mint, AGAIN. WIth support for Debian and 32-bit architecture. So I can use WIne.
I am the DevilRat. Inspiration lost.
I forgor ๐
Shadow THe hedgehog
Joined on 11/29/17
Thinking of going to Linux Mint, AGAIN. WIth support for Debian and 32-bit architecture. So I can use WIne.
Krita is good for digital art. I recommend looking through all its different dockers and shortcuts. Once you customize the layout to your personal preference it becomes pretty intuitive to use.
I miss mainly the great default brushes of CSP and vector line / erasing. I started first with Krita, before I got into CSP. Traditional -> Krita ( for digital ), than way later on -> CSP. I am right now getting 32-bit i386 to work, and also Japanese input to work.